Frequently Asked Questions


How often do you shoot weddings? Will you be available?

We do have limited availability, and wedding seasons get booked up fast! That being said, we take care to balance our time. We believe that quality and attention to detail are better than volume. So we definitely recommend checking with us for your date and inquiring to see how full our schedule is for the year. Contact us to find out more.

How many images will we get from the wedding?

Every wedding is entirely different depending on how many photographers we have onsite, the times we’re shooting, if you’re doing a first look, all the venue locations, and the number of guests. However, weather and lighting conditions permitting, we like to guarantee no less than 60 images for every hour of coverage with two photographers.

When should Bride and Groom photos be taken?

Our goal is to make the most of our time and make sure that you enjoy your wedding day. Generally speaking, it’s better to have most of our time spent while it’s still daylight. This will maximize our opportunity to take more shots, be creative and get more color from the natural light. If you’re doing a first look, we like having two moments for bride & groom photos. One just after your first look and the other right around sunset when the light is nice and soft. We can further consult with you on this area after your date is booked.

We have a wedding date, how do we secure you?

First, fill out our form on the contact page to see if we are available for your wedding date. If so, then we require a 50% retainer along with a signed agreement to book your wedding date. The only way for us to keep track of inquiries and book dates is to have it on a first come, first serve basis. By this, we mean, the first one to make the deposit and sign a contract gets the date.

Do you travel for weddings?

Yes, we are available for travel and welcome most destination weddings in the US and International

What happens if you're sick or can't make it?

We have never found this to be an issue for us. But just in case, we have a team of associate photographers who've been trained by us and shoot with us at other weddings. They have access to our gear and are familiar with our workflows in the event that something should go wrong. We can also reach out to our network of highly talented local photographers. It's a close-knit community of like-minded artists that look out for each other.